In remembrance of Eliane

On the Sunday of Christ the King, 2022, it is with great sadness that I have to announce to you the passing of Eliane Popa. On this very day seven years ago, we celebrated in the St Jozefkathedraal in Groningen, the feast marking her life as a consecrated virgin. Now, just a few days before this solemnity, the Lord called her to his house forever. After a long period of suffering, which never stopped her from being active, she entered eternity.

We, as the student parish of St. Augustinus, want to remember her devotion and deep faith, her genuine attention to everybody, and the wisdom with which she could host Bible study evenings and helped us to deepen our faith and love for God.

– Pastoor Arjen Jellema

Overweging uitvaart Eliane Popa

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